Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Poem a Day 2015: 1

Burning Leaves

Burning leaves
flash me back to Mexico
where fields afire
scorched my young lungs

flash me back to Mexico
where I walked picked clean
young lungs scorched
by incendiary attention

where I walked picked clean
by every male eye
incendiary attention
floating between them

every male gaze
smoked over me
as I floated between them
a tender 15

eyes smoked over me
their hot regard
for a tender 15
with paper white skin

their hot regard
igniting me
paper white skin
a sense of fragile

caught from fiery fields
and a sense of fragile
anger near implosion

caught from fields on fire
trying to find air to breathe
on the verge of angry implosion
in a country i don't belong

trying to find air to breathe
spring fields still smoldering
a country i don't belong to

burning my tender skin

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